Welcome to TVprg.php!
first of all, some perhaps vital info
what's it by the way?
TVprg.php is thought to supply a kind of TV programme/magazine on your
computer. A main goal is to have the data available offline in a database,
since me (as well as many others) have just an expensive dialup line
how is it done?
TVprg.php actually consists of two (er, three) different parts:
- the fetching end
realized by perl scripts that download various
pages out there in the internet (currently there's only one grabber for
German TV-Prog info available) and parse that pages. The information
retrieved by scanning these pages gets stored into a mySQL database.
- the xmlTV importer
since the snapshots of Dec 2003 TVprg.php is
now able to understand xmlTV data. This means, you can now use any xmlTV grabber
being available to download the information and import that one into the
TVprg.php database - thus enabling you to use the PHP interface without
having to write yet another tv-data grabber.
- the displaying part
i.e. the name-giving thing - TVprg.php - is a
bunch of PHP4 pages that connect to that mySQL database to retrieve and
display the tv-show info.
Furthermore there's a xmltv-exporting feature available (since the
snapshot released 15-Oct-2003, enabling you, to use the data grabbed by the
TVprg.php fetchers within xmltv (which you might use together with things
like mythTV or whatever)
what is being displayed?
- which shows are currently running?
- what's going to start up next?
- a single-channel list (displaying all shows for one channel on one day)
- table-rendered-view (displaying every subscribed channel column by column, for one day)
- bookmark system - meaning that previously selected shows will get displayed highlighted
a screenshot maybe?
of course I've got one available, click the link in order to show it
(JPEG picture with 888 x 545 Pixels, 'bout 75 kBytes in size)
click, to display snapshot
dependencies of the TVprg.php suite
the TVprg.php suite currently depends on the following packages (the
rpm-version information is provided to give you a hint with which version I'm
currently developing/testing)
- perl-5.8.0-104
- perl-DBI-1.32-28
- perl-Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2219-219
- mysql-3.23.55-20
- mysql-shared-3.23.55-20
- lynx-2.8.4-396
- mod_php4-4.3.1-52
- mod_php4-core-4.3.1-52
- apache-1.3.27-41
- mysql-3.23.55-20
- mysql-shared-3.23.55-20
in order to configure your mySQL installation ...
where to download?
Well, have a look at the files section within sourceforge.net. In order to
get there, simply click on that link:
getting into contact
There are actually two ways of getting into contact, probably you want
to join the TVprg.php mailing list, and
put your questions there. You might also want to have a look at the
archives there.
If you want to write a private mail, don't hesitate and write to